Have been a bit quiet on the blog front... Suffice to say I have been busy working and somewhat distracted by various family issues. This afternoon I had a couple of hours of time to myself and decided to sort my CD collection - that is return it to the alphabetically ordered collection that it once was, before each of my daughters in turn decided to pull all the CDs off the shelf and create their own order. Feeling assured that they are now both past the age where pulling things off shelves is fun, I thought maybe now was the time to create some order. Call it a preliminary step in creating general order in my world - an ongoing and long term project of mine (feel free to laugh). So I made some coffee and got stuck into the dusty chaos and about an hour later my CDs are beautifully ordered, according to my own slightly quirky version of 'alphabetical' order. My husband still has the occasional laugh at my expense when he goes to his CD collection (yes, they are separate) to try and find something according to my ordering - serves him right for not sorting out his own CD collection when we moved house. Anyway, now I can actually find CDs when I go to prepare my lecture notes for next semester and I discovered all kinds of CDs I had completely forgotten about and rediscovered some long lost loves. I had to smile at some of the CD neighbourings created - Gaelic Psalms next to Garbage, Madonna next to Mahler, Sonic Youth next to Margaret Sutherland. So now, back to work, happy in the knowledge that some order at least has been restored.